MESSociety has a new .CA web address.
We are migrating our website to a new domain. Our website can now be found at www.MESSociety.ca. Our email has also changed to the .ca...

MESS is on Instagram!!
The Mission Environmental Stewardship Society is very excited to announce the launch of its new Instagram account, @MissionMESS!! In...

Many Canadians are recycling wrong, and it's costing us millions
Throughout each year we work with hundreds of volunteers to clear thousands of pounds of littered waste from Mission's streets and...

2018 Spring Clean-up Results Are In!
Each year, non-profits in Mission, BC combine efforts to clear litter that accumulates over the winter during our annual Spring Clean-up...

Wandering Waste: Unintended Travel Down Mission's Waterways
We are so fortunate to live in our beautiful town of Mission. But living in such a beautiful place means that we have the responsibility...

Getting out in the Field, Asking New Questions
It’s mid-afternoon and I’m standing in the woods at Rolley Lake, holding my portable field recorder. Every bump of my hand will be...

24th AGM Highlights Continued Growth of the Mission-based, Anti-litter Non-profit, MESS
As we close another successful program year, we welcome the start of a new one with new goals, a new location, and new board members....

Illegal Dumping: A Taxpayers Nighmare
Illegal Dumping has become a routine concern for Mission residents; the issue visibly growing over the years along with our population,...