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This program includes a classroom presentation & activity led by MESSociety staff.  Students will learn how to identify litter, how to safety handle it, and how to sort it into waste, recycling, and compostables. We adapt the learning outcomes according to the age or grade of the students. 


Main learning outcomes:


  • How litter is created


  • Negative impacts on environment & wildlife


  • Where litter should go (trash, compost or recycling)


  • How to safely remove litter


  • Solutions to prevent litter including the 4 Rs: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


  • Actively be apart of the solution, not the pollution.

Mission Environmental Stewardship Society invites Mission public schools to learn about the issues surrounding litter, how we can make a positive change, and how we can work together to reduce schoolyard litter.


MESS Classroom Visits involve a presentation on the impacts of litter on the environment and wildlife, followed by a litter cleanup of the participating school's schoolyard, allowing students to actively be part of the solution.


On average, a classroom cleanup of the playground will remove over 500 pieces of litter during a class session. This provides a great opportunity for students to learn about litter, how it is created, and its potential harm.


School Litter Challenge:


Classrooms passionate about keeping their schoolyard clean can be eligible to participate in the MESS School Litter Challenge and receive:


  • Clean-up kits which include buckets, tongs or litter pickers,  tarp (for sorting), and activity work  sheets to record the litter they pick up


  • Information session for staff


  • A full classroom presentation by MESSociety to help initiate the cleanup


  • Ongoing support throughout the school year as requested

Office Hours:

By Appointment only.


(778) 548-5633

Mission Environmental Stewardship Society © 2024


Mailing Address:

PO Box 20115 RPO Hills

Mission, BC Canada V2V 7P8​​

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